Seattle Public Schools




利用高级学习工作小组(ALTF)的建议, the HC/RESA will convene to advise the district as the AL department and a diverse Practitioners Work Group implements and improves department practices for advanced learning identification and services, 符合SPS战略计划和高级学习愿景, Mission, and Commitments.

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) created the Superintendent’s Highly Capable/Racial Equity Services Advisory (HC/RESA) to support the development and implementation of procedures and practices for advanced learning in February, 2020.  This committee advised the district as they began the design and implementation of equitable access to advanced learning.  The HC/RESA has come to the end of the 3-year commitment and will transition with new membership, 从2023- 2024学年开始. 

The committee is tasked with advising the Advanced Learning Department as they continue the implementation and continuous improvement of new systems, 流程和支持与SPS战略计划和高级学习愿景保持一致, Mission, and Commitments. The HC/RESA is committed to advising the department as they transform current practices at a systemic level to eliminate disproportionality in advanced learning. These efforts require a long-term commitment from our advisors which includes both making recommendations and staying engaged as our work progresses over time.


  • Embrace the role of advisors to the district as they implement and continuously improve the systems, structures and resources designed to meet the needs of students with advanced learning needs;
  • Understand the work of the AL department and Central Office Leaders as they present revisions to District policies to the School Board and procedures related to advanced learning equity practices and systems to the Superintendent;
  • Understand the recommendations of the AL department and their Practitioners Work Groups as they implement and continuously improve identification and services aligned with the ALTF commitments and recommendations;
  • 就下一步的实施和持续改进向采购部门提供建议;
  • 监测所实施建议的进展和结果;
  • 作为与SPS家庭和社区成员之间的双向信息渠道.


  1. Represent diverse voices and perspectives across the education system and community on advanced learning needs,
  2. Address authentic concerns as the implementation phase continues in the HC Neighborhood School model and recognize disproportionality in education and in all aspects of its administration,
  3. 与AL部门员工合作;
  4. Work with the district to ensure effective implementation of the Ensuring Educational and Racial Equity Policy as well as committee recommendations, as appropriate, and
  5. 参加与家庭和社区成员的高级学习交流计划.

Highly Capable/Racial Equity Advisory Committee will not serve for the purpose of decision-making. Decisions regarding policy and procedures will remain with the Superintendent and School Board.

SPS致力于为所有儿童提供高质量和公平的教育. 我们致力于创造一个激励和支持所有学生的学习环境. We know that the meaningful involvement of parents and supportive community agencies is a very important part of attaining this high level of excellence. 干系人的输入可以在决策和活动之前、期间和之后收集.

The goal of the 高能力/种族平等服务咨询 (HC/RESA) is to include input from individuals who represent SPS’ diversity. 该小组还将提供有关服务的有价值的见解和观点, identification, 以及SPS学生接受高级学习服务的资格实践.

The  committee members will bring an open mind and a passion for ensuring educational and racial equity for all students. 他们也愿意参与调查, meaningful dialogue, 以及整个咨询过程中的协作.

The Advisory will include up to 25 members appointed by the Superintendent or designee including the following:

  • 1名目前就读于SPS高中的学生.
  • 十四(14)家长/家庭成员,其学生目前就读于SPS. (居住在该区的个人优先考虑.)
    • 东南地区4名;
    • 西南地区4名;
    • 2(2)东北地区
    • 两(2)西北地区
    • 2(2)来自中部地区
  • Two (2) Community Partners
  • 二(2)中办支持领导代表:
    • 种族平等促进司,
    • 家庭伙伴关系处,及/或
    • Schools & Continuous Improvement
  • Five (5) Seattle Education Association (SEA)/Principals Association of Seattle Schools (PASS) representatives, one from each region.

资格及甄选准则: HC/RESA members will be committed to supporting the implementation and continuous improvement of the Highly Capable Neighborhood School model. 它们还将确保我们家庭的声音远离教育公正.

Staff Representatives工作人员代表可包括, 但并不局限于认证教师, building administrators, 教职员助理及中央办事处职员/行政人员.

社区组织代表社区代表可以担任教育部门的职务, service government, or not-for-profit organizations/associations with an interest in and knowledge of Advanced Learning. A representative of the organization should be nominated by the executive director or senior manager of the organization.


申请及提名将由评审委员会审核. Members of the review committee will be appointed by the Assistant Superintendent of Student Supports and is likely to include:

  • 家长及社区代表:
    • PTSA President or designee
    • 社区组织代表
    • 校本种族及公平小组成员
  • Central Office Staff:
    • 学生服务助理总监
    • 学校行政总监
    • Program Specialist
    • 种族平等促进部(DREA)代表
    • 战略与合作部门的代表

Review committee will give recommended appointees and alternates to Superintendent Jones by Tuesday, August 15, 2023.

  • 获邀人士将于2023年8月底前收到电邮通知. Invited appointees will accept or decline a seat on the HC Advisory by Friday, September 15, 2023.
  • 剩下的席位将由候补填补.
  • 会员名单将公布在地区网站上.

No one may serve on the advisory who has a financial interest in the outcome of the recommendations made by the HC/RESA.


The district shall provide public notice to individuals and organizations that may reasonably be interested in serving on the HC/RESA. 通知应包括以下活动:

  • District website
  • Direct written notice to active community organizations which may have an interest in participation
  • Direct written notice to all Parent Teacher Student Associations (PTSAs) at all school sites


成员的选择和任命将根据2024欧洲杯正规买球政策4110:家庭 & 社区咨询和监督委员会,以及随附的程序4110SP.

The HC/RESA is established as a committee to run for three full years and may extend due to needs and progress of the work.

Initial term of office is set at one calendar year (September to September) with an option to reapply each term. A schedule of staggered change in membership will be developed to support the on-going work of this committee.


  • 参加所有安排的会议
  • 坚持商定的规范
  • 通过在每次会议之前复习材料来为会议做准备
  • 为团队的工作做出贡献
  • 将咨询工作传达给你所在地区的家庭